Emily’s story
Hiiiiii! My name is Emily Nicole Roberts, I’m 22 and I have a condition called cerebral palsy.
My type of cerebral palsy, spastic quadplegia, means that I have increased muscle tone and weakness in all four limbs including my abdomen. Hence my need for a wheelchair as I cannot walk unaided.
I work in a bridal shop full time as a receptionist and have a Jack Russell Terrier called Bobby.
My true passion is creating online content on Youtube to educate, empower and encourage individuals with and without disabilities to watch my life and value their own.
My message is simple, I want to remove the ‘diss’ from disability because then, only the ability of an individual remains and that is what matters. I want to open up the conversation about disability, using my life and experiences to inspire and help others in each and every way.
Yes, I am disabled, but I am also ABLE.
I film a series on Youtube entitled ‘How Emily’ to show people how I perform and perfect certain tasks despite my diagnosis, such as exercising, driving a car, standing up, and going up the stairs.
I want to help others with disabilities see their inherent worth, while removing any stigma attached to difference too. Relation makes people susceptible to understanding.
I am hoping to change lives by filming mine.
I haven’t always been comfortable with my disability, I used to view it as life-limiting by definition but through confidence and self-esteem, day by day, I see it as life-changing.
I went to Bobath as a child and I cannot stress ENOUGH how thankful I am both for physiotherapy in itself, but also to the professionals that dedicate themselves to the growth and improvement of young people like me – thank you.
If you’re reading this and doubting yourself, trust me, you are more than enough.
Love, Emily Nicole Roberts.
Check out my YouTube channel!